Oven Cleaning

Cleaning your oven is one of the yukkiest jobs to do. I look at mine and say-maybe later! But I just found a new way that basically cleans itself.  All that is required is a water bottle, vinegar, baking soda, water, a rag, and a small bowl. (Vinegar and baking soda...

Refrigerator Cleaning

Refrigerator Cleaning Let’s get it Done! Can you remember the last time you cleaned behind the refrigerator? Never did it? The reason you want to do this is to reduce the work load and increase the efficiency of your hardest working appliance in the kitchen. We all...

Items We Forget to Clean

How many times do we just get in a routine of cleaning “what people see on the surface”? Are you overlooking a few places you never think about? Some of these nooks and crannies collect an enormous amount of germs and gunk that collect over time. See how many make you...

Simple uses for things you throw away

There are so many things we just throw away because it is easier. But did you know there are uses for coffee grounds, foil, dryer sheets, old socks, and even straws? Why not try some of these ideas if you have them around the house anyway? Coffee Grounds I don’t know...

Biggest Challenge in a Business

Biggest Challenge in a Business? Staffing! Our business is a service oriented organization. What that means is that our biggest resource is our people. Without our “staff” we have no business. Do we treat the staff as if they are our most valuable resource? We do our...
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