Hurricane Season

As you know storms can happen any time in our area and often without notice. Have you made any preparations for your home and exterior living space including your trees and bushes close to your home in case of a severe storm or hurricane? There are many steps to...

Get ready for Summer

Yeah, summertime! Schedules are a little more lenient, excitement in the air, and quite often a messier home. What can you do to keep some sort of maintenance and order to the relaxed household? Put some guidelines in place prior to school letting out. The guidelines...

How will you show your love to Mom

Since 1910, Mother’s Day is celebrated the 2nd Sunday in May as a day to honor mothers, grandmothers, or wives with something out of the ordinary to make them feel extraordinary and honored. Mother’s Day is one day designed explicitly for the women you care about the...

Dust Bunnies and Dust Mites

Time to wash winter away and prepare for Easter, Graduation, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day entertaining. As you open the windows and clean off the porches you will see remnants of the winter lurking around. This is a great time to rid your home of the lurking toxins...

Reviews on Social Media

Reviews are critical to our business. Nothing is more important to a small business than having positive feedback. When an issue arises, and customers are unhappy, corrections are made immediately to their satisfaction. To date we have 78 reviews on Facebook with a...
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