Items to clean to eliminate Viruses!

Winter months are when we are most vulnerable to getting colds and a flu virus. Why is that? Flu viruses love cooler temperatures and can live longer in dry air. As you know the humidity in the summer is anything but dry and cooler. Colds and flu are spread to other...

Is Your Home Ready For Guest

It is Christmas Time! Exciting, fun, and often a little overwhelming. If you take your home preparations a step at a time it is easier to handle. It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! What do guests see first when they drive up to your home? Do you have a...

Holiday Traditions

Holiday Traditions Family meals with extended family over the holidays are a large part of our memories. Sharing conversations with people you may have not seen since last Christmas or Easter happen during this time.  What are some of the foods you traditionally serve...

Communication is Key!

Communication is Key! There are so many ways to communicate your services and products to the interested targeted audience. Social media, websites, mail, billboards, texting, email, and even the phone! With so many options many businesses do a little of everything to...

Turkey Time!

Turkey Time!   Holiday season is approaching and that means you will likely be purchasing a turkey for a family gathering. It is important that the turkey is prepared properly to avoid any food poisoning, that often occurs during the thawing process. Turkeys are...
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