Clean your Home between Maid Service

Maid service comes to clean your home generally every 2 weeks. There are many things you should do between cleanings. The easiest thing is to do is clean up daily after using the kitchen, sweep the floor if dirt is evident on floor, wipe up spills as they occur, and...

Swedish Cleaning to Declutter

Swedish Cleaning is a Real Thing! The idea was developed by a Swede, Margareta Magnusson, and described in her book, โ€œThe Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to free yourself and your family of a lifetime of clutter. The author wrote it after her parents passed...

Caring for your Stainless-Steel Appliances

Stainless steel appliances look so shiny and pretty when your first get them, or right after the maid has been to your house. But soon they lose that shiny luster with fingerprints, water, spills from food, and just a busy kitchen. The kitchen is one of the busiest...

Maid Service-A Gift To Your Family

Your time is valuable. How you spend your time is up to you, but your priory should be on the things that matter most. Faith, family, work, and things that bring us joy and create memories are generally at the top of the list. Where is housework in the priority list?...

How to Choose Maid Service

Your home is your largest investment and regardless of keeping forever or re-selling the home, you must clean and maintain the appearance for a healthy lifestyle and to maintain the value of your investment. Although we can all probably clean our home it takes a lot...
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