Is a clean home relative to a healthy life?

There is some evidence that having a clean organized home reduces stress and increases your mental well-being. Think about it, don’t you sleep better when you change the sheets? As you relax, you become more comfortable. Therefore, your sleep is more restful. As...

Easy Spring Cleaning-Wipe Winter Away!

It seems like its been a long winter. Are you ready for warmer temperatures? As the chilly days continue, we start looking forward to the shining sun, flowers, and the warmer days. March 21 is the actual first day of Spring, but you can start organizing now for the...

Hosting a Super Bowl Party

If you are hosting a party the most important thing is that everyone has a good time and is relaxed. A Super Bowl party is a great way to bring people together at your home. Guest List and Space The guests to invite and your available space is the first priority. Will...

Innovations in Cleaning for 2018

  We are always looking for the fastest best ways to do routine chores-like housecleaning. But are they really effective? We are taking a look at some new products. Vacuuming The iRobot can schedule the vacuum cleaning through an app on your phone. You must pick...

New Year-New Organization!

  Happy chaos is a way to define the After Holidays clean up. You create memories that last a lifetime, but now is the time to move forward with organizing and downsizing. Downsize How much of your Christmas décor did you use? Are there bins that you just keep...
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