Easy Cleaning Accessories

Do you wish you knew some clever tips for cleaning smudges from doors, walls, and appliances? We use many different products but here are some of our favorite smudge be gone remedies: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser This rectangular cleaning item has been in existence for over...

A bug free summer

Bugs are a continual nuisance in our homes and yards in the summer. Flies, roaches, mosquitos and soon the love bugs will be back. How irritating is it to hear the buzz of a fly or mosquito around your face especially in your home? Nothing is worse than seeing a roach...

Hurricane preparedness for the exterior of your home

June 1 through November 31 is known as the Hurricane Season along the Gulf Coast of Texas and many residents have seen the damage that can occur through high winds, rain, and fallen trees. There are a few things you should do to prepare your trees from excessive...

Do just one thing!

Our lives are busy every single day. We work. We have families. We try to give back to the community. We attend church regularly. Oh, and we try to maintain our home, vehicle, and pay the bills. There just isn’t enough time to do any more than what we can do. But,...

Most Hated Household Chores

The top 3 hated household chores are oven cleaning, cleaning the toilet, and defrosting the refrigerator. Survey says… Oven Cleaning is the one chore we hate the most. Ironing is up there too, but who really irons anymore? The Department of Health suggests that every...
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