The Dog Days of Summer

The “Dog Days of Summer” traditionally are the hottest days of the year when the humid weather hits us. In Texas, the Dog Days are generally in August and September when we have triple digit temps with increased uncomfortable humidity. The term comes from ancient...

Back to School at Home

School is starting with a new online process requiring students to login to be counted as attending daily. As a parent you should have an area of your home designated to facilitate classroom work undisturbed by distractions. It may be difficult at times to maintain...

Home Remedies for Cleaning

There are safe options for cleaning using items from around your house that are organic (not manufactured), natural, non-toxic, multi-purpose and usually more affordable than store bought cleaners. You may have many products around your home that can be used for...

Getting rid of the bugs naturally

Bugs are more evident in our homes and yards in the summer. Flies, roaches, mosquitos, and ants are guests we can do without. Since home remedies are safe for both children and pets, we have gathered a list of items to use effectively without the use of chemicals....

Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Refrigerator

Can you remember the last time you cleaned behind the refrigerator? Never did it? The reason you want to do this is to reduce the workload and increase the efficiency of your hardest working appliance in the kitchen. If you have a large family of 4 or more people or...
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