School is starting with a new online process requiring students to login to be counted as attending daily. As a parent you should have an area of your home designated to facilitate classroom work undisturbed by distractions. It may be difficult at times to maintain the student’s focus on schoolwork from other family members, pets, or noise, but any pre-planning will help.

The online school environment can be more flexible than the traditional school environment as you are able to modify the day to suit your student’s strengths. However, mandatory online classes and meetings with the teacher will be held at scheduled times throughout the day. Students will be working a full school day. They will participate and attend online classes with their teacher and classmates, as well as complete online lessons and assessments. In addition to their online classes, they will do offline projects and reading, and work with hands-on materials.

Teachers and staff are trained to offer your child the educational guidance they need to stay on task for the 2020-2021 school year. Parents will not be required to instruct their student as they were in the Spring with classes but should maintain frequent communication with the child’s instructor to offer feedback as needed and continue their motivation.

Maintain a quiet space with a closed-door during class times when possible. Scheduling and sleep are important for both the  kids and parents, especially during the first weeks of the school year. Parents should schedule a block of time to clean or straighten home after work or school hours. Try to focus on easy tasks of maintaining the dishes, meal clean up, sweeping floors, and basic bathroom clean up. Each member of the family should pitch in with one task each week while cleaning up their own room, laundry (if old enough), and ending the evening with all their belongings put away.

Is there a planned time to talk about the day with all family members? Now is a good time to plan this into the day. Both your kids and spouse need time to share what went on during the day to stay connected as a family. Daily family time even for a half hour will keep everyone engaged on what lies ahead, special projects or events, and will provide a strong sense of belonging on the family unit. Unplanned spontaneous activities are okay if it something fun, but surprise projects can be challenging or upsetting if dependent on another member of the family to complete.

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