Organizing Before the Maid and Keeping it Clean

Keeping the home organized and clutter free is a prerequisite to having your entire house cleaned by a cleaning professional. Jackets, shoes, books, bills, mail, or other scattered items need to be put in their proper designated area, so you are using the maid’s time...

January is the Month to Purge!

Now that the holidays are behind us, we can work a task at a time going through things we collected in 2020 that we did not use. January is a time of renewal, cleansing, and setting new goals. It is a time to look through closets of things not worn throughout the last...

Holidays During Covid

This Christmas season may look different than ever before with your family, guests, and even menu planning. Do what is easy and stress free to enjoy the time with reflection on the true meaning of the season. Afterall isn’t that what the true meaning of Christmas...

Winterizing your Home

Do you know what to do to protect your home if a pipe breaks at your home? Since we generally have a short amount of notice before a hard freeze, it is good to plan ahead. Locate the shut off valve Find the outside Clean-Outs for both the main line and kitchen Find...

Preparing for Thanksgiving

This year Thanksgiving may look different and have less family members or guests at your home. The pandemic is very real and CDC guidelines of prevention are still in place of washing hands, cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, and wearing masks in public. The CDC also...
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