The Ultimate Cleaner: Elbow Grease

The holidays have come and gone, and now’s the time to start prepping for spring cleaning.  How well you’ve kept your home cleaned during the past few months will determine whether or not you are in need of a basic cleaning this spring or a deep cleaning. ...

Alka Seltzer: The Ultimate Cleaning Tablet

If you’ve ever suffered from acid indigestion or heartburn, then you’ve likely became good buddies with Alka Seltzer.  Available in tablet form, this medicine is renowned for providing quick relief.  But did you know that you can use these same tablets to...

Two Teams, One Dream and One Clean Home

If you’re a Seahawks or Patriots fan, then you’re probably well aware that there’s a big game coming up — aka the Super Bowl. If you plan on watching the game at your house, why not invite a few of your football friends over to watch the game with...

5 Easy Tips for Bathroom Organization

Bathrooms are meant to be a space promoting privacy, calmness and tranquility.  In a sense, they should act as a safe haven from the rest of the world.  After all, it’s in the bathroom that you take a shower, refresh and relax yourself after a long day of work. ...

Tips For Cleaning Your Home the Safe Way

When it comes to keeping your home clean, you have three options: Clean it yourself Let a professional clean it for you Combine professional cleaning services with your cleaning efforts Your lifestyle will of course largely influence the amount of time you can devote...
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