Summer with the Kids at Home!

Summer with the Kids at Home! Yeah, summertime! Schedules are a little more lenient, excitement in the air, and quite often a messier home. What can you do to keep some sort of maintenance and order to the relaxed household? Put some guidelines in place before Day 1...

We Clean 4 You and We Clean For A Reason

My Work Day Experience It was my first clean. Not just for Cleaning for a Reason, but for any client. I was a bit nervous as I met Rebecca at the house to “help out”. It was our second time at the home of this woman, who quite simply was battling for her life. She had...

Teens and Bedrooms

Bugs, Dishes, and other Fungi When the kids are young it is fun to make a game of cleaning up their rooms. You can sit on the floor with them and they will be excited to play with you while organizing their room. As they get older (12 years to 16 years of age), the...

Can you do business without TRUST?

Be careful who you allow in the home! There are a lot of people and services that you must allow in your home for residential services. Air conditioning and heating, appliance repair, roofers, carpet cleaning, painters, re-model contractors, internet/cable service...

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning What is this Green Snow? Why is it called Spring Cleaning? Is that the only time we clean? Traditionally Spring is when the days are longer, the sun shines brighter, and we get out from our winter blues to enjoy the fresh air. As a North Houston...
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