Organization After Christmas

Organization After Christmas You made it through the Holidays and it’s time to take down the outside lights and store the Christmas tree. When you put up the Christmas decorations it’s excitement with hopes of the season to come. Taking it down and storing it away for...

Guests for the Holidays

By now you are in full Christmas mode and are trying to keep it all together these next few weeks while enjoying all that the Holidays have to offer. Don’t stress! We can help! Cleaning Before the Guests Arrive Declutter by storing or donating all unnecessary items...

Making a Difference

Making a Difference One House at a Time! We care about our community and last year We Clean 4 You decided to partner with Cleaning for a Reason, a national organization with over 1,200 partners serving women in the United States and Canada. Year to date over 21,000...

Preparing the Holiday Turkey

Turkey is traditionally the main entrée for many holiday gatherings-Thanksgiving, Christmas, and sometimes even Easter. Whether its your first time to serve the turkey or you’ve done it many times, we can always learn a few new tricks to making the turkey the “belle...

Fire Prevention Tips for the Home

October is Fire Prevention Month and many local fire departments attend elementary schools to reinforce fire safety and emergency techniques appropriate for the child’s age. Our kids can prevent accidents from happening and know what to do in any emergency situation...
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