Do lovebugs really show us love?

We just had a devastating disaster in our community that is very far-reaching. Homes destroyed, businesses closed, buy yet after the rain, the lovebugs live on! These guys are nasty and present late August through September annually. Localized lovebug flights extend...

Emergency Survival Kit for Home

Disaster can hit our community at any time either through torrential rains, hurricanes, fire, or a power outage in our home. What can you do to be prepared at a moment’s notice? Basic Essentials Make sure your home has all of these items readily available at all...

Conquering Mold in the Home

We live in the Greater Houston area, in humid conditions where mold loves to live in both indoor and outdoor environments. Have you noticed any sudden allergic reactions or constant colds with you or family members? Do you notice a strong musty odor in your home? If...

Does your home smell good?

Ideas to give your home a fresh scent! When someone walks into your home they can immediately smell cookies baking, dinner on the stove, or the dogs, the sweaty running shoes, and the kitchen trash. Fresh scents are an immediate pleasant way to greet guests and family...

Summer Cleaning BBQ Grill, Outdoor Furniture, and Bugs

  Summertime is when the grilling gets good, friends come over, and so do the bugs! Mosquitos, ants, and other creepy crawling bugs. What do you need to do to prepare for all the guests? BBQ Grill Vinegar is a great way to clean the grill that prevents harmful...
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