3 Tips for Cleaning Your Grill the Right Way

Our homes extend into the outdoors as summer arrives and we head out to fire up the grill. So before you roll up your sleeves to dig into your juicy, grilled fare, roll up your sleeves and serve up some elbow grease to give your outdoor grill some much-needed TLC. Why...

How to Return to a Clean Home After Vacation

When going on vacation, the last thing you want to think about is coming home to a messy home.  And while your home may not get messy while you’re gone, it will definitely be dusty when you return if you don’t take proper precautions.  Fortunately, there...

5 Home Organization Tips You Can’t Live Without

For mothers who work from home, it seems that they would have the whole house-cleaning-thing down to a T.  Truth is though, many of them notice that the more time they spend at home, the messier it becomes.  Fortunately, there are few tricks you can follow to help...

Cleaning the Baseboards: A Few Tips From Personal Experience

As a child, I always remember growing up in new homes.  We would live in each of them for no longer than two years, and as we were living in one, my father would build another and then sell the one we were living in so that we could move into the new house. Although...

How to Keep Your Home Clean During a Remodel

There are two basic reasons for remodeling a home — either it’s in need of a remodel or you simply want to alter the layout to better accommodate your preferences.  No matter your reason for doing a remodel, though, you can rest assured that things are going to...
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