What Makes a Good Maid Great?

There are many cleaning services to choose from to get your home clean, but why would you choose one service provider over another? What are some of the reasons you would let someone into your home to clean it? Our maids are the best in the county because they all...

Mother’s Day-Honor Mom!

Mother’s Day is the one day of the year that most people set time aside to honor their mother, grandmother, or wives with something out of the ordinary to make them feel extraordinary and honored. But it wasn’t until 1873 that Mother’s Day was accepted in the United...

Evolution of Maid Service

Maid service originated in the Middle Ages and was often used to identify young, unmarried women or “maidens”. Most domestic house help were not allowed to marry and gave their life to serving. This is where we get the term “old maid” for those women that never marry....

Easter and Family Traditions

Many rituals and traditions are associated with the celebration of Easter. Whether it is an Easter egg hunt, decoration of eggs, a church service, or a family meal most of us part-take in activities that mark the event as a time for reflection, celebration, and above...

Cleaning for Families

We started the cleaning business 4 years ago to assist ladies with a reputable job to help them achieve financial goals and to allow families the opportunity to spend more time together. What is the one thing you can never take back? Your precious time is valuable....
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