Several places in your home can harbor odors- wet clothing, pets, the kitchen garbage, the dishwasher, and the washing machine. What can you do to add pleasing scents in the home and eliminate odors due to pets, cooking, or water leakage? Damp towels cause a horrible...
We know Fall is coming although we don’t feel it yet. Friday Night Lights, Saturday College Games, Sunday NFL, and who can forget Monday Night Football? The stores have removed the Back-to-School items and replaced the shelves with Fall and Halloween décor. And the...
School is in session. Labor Day is approaching. How are the first couple of weeks going? Scheduling is an important part of staying on task during the busy week juggling school, work, kid’s activities, meetings, and church or community involvement. Kids aren’t the...
People have asked how we are able to track our maids and what systems we use. After operating a residential maid service for 6 years we have refined our procedures to know where each maid is at any given time and what we can do to make local maid service customers...
If you do a little straightening every day the chore is not so tough. Do some things daily, and others once a week. This will give your home the appearance of being maintained. This is not deep cleaning or tackling a big job but maintaining the home from day to day to...
Cleaning a home is a big chore. Not just tidying up, but really cleaning the house by washing the floors, dusting all the furniture, picture frames, lamps, and the ceiling fans. Scrubbing all the bathrooms, polishing mirrors, faucets, floors, and baseboards…it takes...