Your bedroom should feel like a sanctuary.  A place where you can relax, rest and hear yourself think.  It’s usually best to keep your furniture simple in this room, and most importantly, to keep it clean.  Keeping things tidy will involve you vacuuming the room two to three times a week, dusting once a week and keeping the bed made.  Here at We Clean 4 You, we can take care of the cleaning for you.  If you’re looking to deep clean your bedroom, make sure to follow these simple tips.

Washing Your Linens

Before washing any of your bedroom linens, it’s important to soak them in cold water for 20 minutes before putting them in the washer.  When adding detergent or soap, make sure it is diluted in the water; not applied directly to the linens.  If you don’t want to hang dry the linens, you should dry them on air fluff or the lowest temperature setting that you have.  To reduce wrinkling, smooth and fold the linens right after they’re done drying.  Here’s a quick look at the don’ts of giving your linens a deep clean:

  • Don’t use chlorine bleach or whiteners
  • Don’t wash large linens more than one at a time
  • Don’t use fabric softeners
  • Don’t use harsh detergents

Start From the Top and Work Your Way Down

If you clean your entire bedroom except for the ceiling fan, you have literally made no progress whatsoever.  You must work from the top and go down, starting with the ceiling fan and the actual ceiling itself.  After you have cleaned both, you’ll then want to wash the walls with gentle soap and warm water.  Next, all of the furniture in the bedroom needs to be dusted, followed then by vacuuming.  Before you go about vacuuming, though, consider getting the carpets steam cleaned.  If you have hardwood floors in your room, they will need to be cleaned according to the type of wood they are made of.

Don’t Forget the Closet

When you walk into your room, you likely don’t fret about the mess in your closet.  After all, its doors stay shut, so you never even think about the mess until you actually need something out of it, and then you can simply shut the doors again.  Out of sight, out of mind, right?  Fortunately, cleaning out your closet doesn’t have to feel like you’re climbing an endless mountain.  Instead, follow these five tips:

  • Remove everything from the closet
  • Get rid of any items you no longer want
  • Clean the closet walls with warm water and soap
  • Don’t forget to clean the floor in the closet
  • Put everything back in that you want to keep in an organized manner

By following these three deep-clean tips for your bedroom, you can regain the peace and tranquility that you’ve been longing for.  Plus, a deep clean will motivate you to keep your room in tip-top shape until the next deep clean is needed.

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